Alabama Golf Association Schedule of Tournaments:
JANUARY 08- Executive Board Meeting - 7:00 PM 18- 1st Quarterly Meeting. Gateway at 9:00
FEBRUARY 15 - Last day for dues; $5.00 late fee will be assessed after 15th
MARCH 1 - Kick-off Step Aside Scramble! Gateway Park - 10 AM Tee Time. Pictures at 9 AM. 8 - Player Development: Lesson, Learn and Play - Gateway 9:00AM 15- 9 Hole Individual Stroke Play - Gateway Park 8:00 AM 29 - 18 Hole Individual Stroke Play - Lagoon Park 8:30 AM!! only this 5th Saturday APRIL SHOOT-OUT MONTH 05 - 9 Hole TEAM League Play Gateway Park (1st Saturday) 8:00 AM Step Aside Saturday after TEAMS Executive Board meeting to follow 12 - Player Development: Lesson, Learn, and Play - 9:00 am/10:00 golf (3 holes) 19 - 9 Hole Individual Stroke Play Gateway Park 8:00 AM (2nd Quarterly Meeting) 26 - 18 Hole Individual Stroke Play - Lagoon Park 8:30 AM!!
MAY 03 - 9 Hole TEAMS at Gateway Park (1st Saturday) 8:00 AM Step Aside Saturday after TEAMS 10 - Player Development, Lesson, Learn, and Play - Gateway 9:00 am/10:00 golf (3 holes) 17 - 9 Hole Individual Stroke Play Gateway Park - 8:00 AM 24 - 18 Hole Individual Stroke Play at Pine Crossing/Auburn 9:00 AM 31- Mars / Venus Golf Tournament at Lagoon Park
JUNE 07 - 9 Hole TEAMS at Gateway Park (1st Saturday) 8:00 AM Step Aside Saturday after TEAMS 14 - Player Development, Lesson, Learn, and Play at Gateway 9:00 am / 10:00 golf (3 holes.) For those ladies not volunteering in the Junior USGA Tournament USGA Junior Golf Tournament PRO AM/Quincy Leonard - Director - Lagoon 21 - 9 Hole Individual Stroke Play Gateway Park - 8:00 AM 28 - 18 Hole Individual Stroke Play Ballentrae Golf Course/Pelham TBD/TIME
JULY SHOOT-OUT MONTH 05 - 9 Hole TEAMS at Gateway Park (1st Saturday) 8:00 AM Step Aside Saturday after TEAMS Executive Board meeting to follow 12 - Player Development, Lesson, Learn, and Play at Gateway 9:00 am/10:00 golf (3 holes) 19 - 9 Hole Individual Stroke Play Gateway Park - 8:00 am (3rd Quarterly Meeting) 26 - 18 Hole Individual Stroke Play Lagoon Park 8:30 AM
AUGUST 2 - 9 Hole TEAMS - Gateway Park 8:00 AM Step Aside Saturday after TEAMS 09 - Player Development, Lesson, Learn, and Play at Gateway 9:00 am/10:00 golf (3 holes) 16 - 9 Hole Individual Stroke Play Gateway Park 8:00 AM 23 - 18 Hole Individual Stroke Play RTJ in Dothan Tee Times TBD 30 - 5th Saturday Step Aside Gateway Park 8:00AM
SEPTEMBER SHOOT-OUT MONTH 06 - 9 Hole TEAMS at Gateway Park 8:00 AM Step Aside Saturday after TEAMS 13 - 5th Annual Intra-League Championship - 18 holes Gateway Park 8:00 AM 20 - 9 Hole Individual Stroke Play Gateway Park - 8:00 AM 27 - 18 Hole Individual Stroke Play Lagoon Park - 8:30 AM!!
OCTOBER 04 - AL/GA Shootout 18 Holes - Atlanta Step Aside Saturday (for ladies not going to Atlanta) at Gateway 8:00 am 11 - TEAMS POSITION ROUND at Gateway 8:00 am Player Development, Championship Game after TEAMS Executive Board meeting after league play 18 - Captain's Blind Draw/ 3 or 4 Person Teams/ Gateway Park 8:00 AM 3rd Quarterly Meeting after league play 25 - 18 Hole League Play Lagoon Park 8:30 AM!!
NOVEMBER 03 - Final Step Aside Saturday at Gateway Park at 8:00 am 08 - OPEN 15 - 3 Person Scramble - Awards Luncheon - Gateway